Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

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Richmond Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Connected Curriculum

The Richmond Curriculum

Our Curriculum Intent

It is our intent that, through a broad, balanced, inspiring and well-taught curriculum, pupils of Richmond Primary School will: 

  • Become confident, independent and life-long learners who are well equipped for the future as a British citizen 
  • Apply their skills, knowledge and understanding to everyday life 
  • Become successful citizens with a sense of pride in and awareness of the local community 
  • Have opportunities to explore their personal interests and character so that they grow as well-rounded people with respect, open-mindedness and inclusivity 
  • Develop a sense of self and others, understanding their own feelings and their impact on others 
  • Become curious, enquiring minds, who ask questions of themselves and the world 
  • Be confident to express their thinking orally within a range of situations 

At Richmond, our curriculum has been developed considering the needs of our children alongside a desire to develop critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinking. We want our children to work closely with our wider community, learning from them and involving them in our learning. We want the learning to be purposeful and for our children to be discoverers, explorers, creators and leaders, enabling them to develop as life-long learners, successful in their chosen paths.

We believe curriculum enrichment is essential for children to learn, enjoy and achieve and ensure the curriculum has plenty of opportunities for memorable experiences, visitors to school and visits outside of school to support and inspire learning. Throughout each connected learning theme, children work towards a community focused outcome to showcase their learning within the community.

At Richmond, we follow the Statutory Framework for the EYFS and the National Curriculum.  We use Cornerstones as a basis for connecting our curriculum within learning themes for each year group. Within each subject, we ensure that there is progression of knowledge, and skills, across the year and also from Early Years to Year 6.

For each of our learning themes, there is a ‘Big Question’ which children work towards answering over the course of the theme. These questions are open ended and allow children to gather knowledge and develop skills along the way. The question and the learning journey so far is referred to regularly in lessons and is reinforced by our ‘Know More, Remember More’ at the beginning of each session to support the retention of knowledge.  

We place a high importance on developing vocabulary and this is carefully planned for within each learning theme to ensure understanding and retention.  Vocabulary is identified at the beginning of each learning theme and dual coded vocabulary mats are utilised to support learning. Knowledge is built upon through the progression of key vocabulary.

We are very proud to be a ‘No Outsiders’ school and we aim to provide a broad, balanced, creative and challenging curriculum for all pupils.

Here at Rich­mond Pri­mary School, we pro­vide a cre­ative, connected cur­ricu­lum based around the Cor­ner­stones Curriculum.

At Richmond Primary School, we use the Cornerstones Curriculum, a nation­ally recog­nised approach for deliv­er­ing out­stand­ing learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for children, to deliver National Curriculum objectives.  


What is the Cor­ner­stones Curriculum?

The Cor­ner­stones Cur­ricu­lum is a cre­ative and the­matic approach to learn­ing that is mapped to the Pri­mary National Cur­ricu­lum to ensure com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age of national expec­ta­tions. Our cur­ricu­lum will be deliv­ered through Imag­i­na­tive Learn­ing Projects (ILPs), which will pro­vide a rich menu of excit­ing and moti­vat­ing learn­ing activ­i­ties that make cre­ative links between all aspects of our children’s learning.

We believe chil­dren learn bet­ter when they are encour­aged to use their imag­i­na­tion and apply their learn­ing to engag­ing con­texts. Our  cur­ricu­lum will pro­vide lots of learn­ing chal­lenges through­out the aca­d­e­mic year that will require chil­dren to solve prob­lems, apply them­selves cre­atively and express their knowl­edge and under­stand­ing effec­tively across the curriculum.

Cor­ner­stones also pro­vide a rig­or­ous essen­tial skills frame­work that out­lines the end of year expec­ta­tions in all sub­jects. These essen­tial skills are tied to activ­i­ties and are age related so that staff can track children’s progress and iden­tify their indi­vid­ual learn­ing needs.


How it Works?

Chil­dren will progress through four stages of learn­ing in each ILP – Engage, Develop, Inno­vate and Express. To find out more about these stages please click on the link through to Cor­ner­stones website:

Please see our whole school curriculum overview below.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Please see below for information about the Characteristics of Effective Learning and the Curriculum Overview Progression Maps for Early Years. There is one for each of the seven areas of learning.

 Richmond EY Communication and Language.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Expressive Arts and Design.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Literacy.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Maths.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Personal, Social and Emotional Development.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Physical Development.pdfDownload
 Richmond EY Understanding the World.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Please see below for the Curriculum Overviews for Year Groups 1-6.

 Year 1 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Please see below for the curriculum maps for French, PSCHE and RE.

 French Progression Map.pdfDownload
 RE LTP 2024-25.pdfDownload
 RE Progression Maps.pdfDownload
 Richmond RSE PSHCE Progression Map.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4