Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Policies

All public authorities, including Academies, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that has been approved by the Information Commissioner.

Our publication scheme is available here: Richmond Publication scheme.

Draft Richmond Primary School Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2024.docx

Richmond Primary School Admissions Policy 2024-2025 

Richmond Primary School Attendance Policy 2022-2024

Richmond Primary School Anti-Bullying Policy 2023-2025

Richmond Primary School British Values Coverage.pdf

Richmond Primary School Trauma Informed Behaviour Policy 2024-2026

SAT Charging and Remissions Policy

SAT CCTV Policy 2022-2025

Richmond Primary School Complaints Policy and Procedure V3 May 2023.pdf

Richmond Primary School Curriculum Policy 2023-2024.pdf

Richmond Primary School Equality Information Statement - 2022-2026

SAT Richmond Primary School Freedom of Information Policy  2021

Guidance on the Freedom of Information Act 2000

SAT Health and Safety Policy V2 April 2023.pdf

Richmond Primary School Health and Safety Appendix May 23.docx

Richmond Primary School Pupil Premium Policy 2023-2024

SAT Recruitment & Selection Policy (new 2021).docx

Richmond Primary School Remote Learning Policy 2024-2026

SAT Richmond Primary School SEND Policy 2022-23

Richmond Primary School Sun Safety Policy - May 2023
SAT Suspension and Exclusion Policy 2024-2025 

Richmond Primary School Uniform Policy - 2024-2027


Ofsted Report 2019  

Accept­able Use Policy

Privacy Statement


Accessibility Statement