Richmond Primary School

Together we will Learn, Enjoy, Achieve, Respect, Nurture

Welcome to

Richmond Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Playgroup



Wel­come to Rich­mond Play­group, the team of staff here aim to pro­vide a safe, friendly, secure and fun envi­ron­ment for you and your child.


June 2015 — Rich­mond Play­group has been judged as ‘Out­stand­ing’ by Ofsted.


Ofsted “Chil­dren blos­som at this inspir­ing, lively and enchant­ing playgroup.”


L.A. Appointed Lead Setting


A mem­ber of the Net­work of Excellence

Based at:- Rich­mond Pri­mary School
Stoke Road ~ HINCKLEY ~ Leices­ter­shire ~ LE10 3EA
Tele­phone: 01455 639923
Play­group Man­ager: Mrs J Donaldson


Session times ~ Mon­day — Fri­day:

Morning: 8:40 - 11:40am

Afternoon: 12:15 - 3:15pm

All day: 8:40am - 3:15pm 


Chil­dren are admit­ted into Play­group strictly on age, and not how long they have been on the wait­ing list.  They must attend a min­i­mum of two ses­sions per week.


If you require any further information, please contact Jodie Donaldson. 

Tel: (01455) 639923



Click here for an Appli­ca­tion Form